When you are buying something, first ask yourself: “You NEED it or you WANT it?” If you need it, no choice, you have to spend the money. If this is the case, compare the price from different sellers or shops.

If you want it, it means this item is an option or you don’t need it at all. So, why waste the money to buy something, which you don’t need at all?

Example of “thing” that you NEED or you WANT.

Example 1: Car

You need to buy a car because you need to travel a lot as a Sales Executive. You NEED a car.

Now, what car do you need/want to buy?

A new car or used car? You NEED a car but you DON’T NEED a new car, maybe you WANT a new car to show off.

If your reason to buy a new car is for less hassle on car breakdown problems and maintenance, fair enough; so, you need a new imported car or Proton?

You NEED a new car but you WANT an imported car like Toyota or Honda, you don’t want Proton because Proton looks “Cheap” and “No-class,” and you want to show off!

If you are someone who don’t earn so much, you should reverse the process of the questions above:

1. You need a car with good conditions.
2. Do you need an imported car? Not necessary but I know you want.
3. Do you need a new car? Not necessary but I know you want.
4. Your best choice is used local car like Proton or used imported car.
5. Compare the price between used local car and used imported car. Seek for more opinions from experienced people whether the cars worth the value.

Example 2: Cloth

Year-end sale, Up to 70% discount on clothing. You WANT to buy a dress because it is half-price but ask yourself, how many dresses you have in your cabinet and you seldom wear? What will happen if you don’t buy that dress? Nothing will happen! It means, you WANT the dress but you DON’T NEED it although it’s half-price. So, why spend the money for item that you don’t need at all?

If you have been wearing the old pants for years and you feel it’s getting smaller because your waist is getting wider, then you NEED to buy pants and no choice, you have to buy it. When to buy? When the shopping center is offering Big Sales!